
Friday, May 1, 2015

Presentations and Porfolio

On April 13th, the big day came for all the seniors in the communication department.  We had our presentations in the Rams Den at Shepherd University

My radio drama was played from my personal Ipad.  For multiple people, I had three different headsets that I borrowed from the radio station hooked up.  I gave out business cards to everyone that came to listen to work.  The cards had links to the radio drama on YouTube and Soundcloud.  This would allow people to listen to my work at anytime of their choosing.  I made a hard copy of my radio drams for my director. I had also made copies with personalized thank you notes for some of my friends who were unable to attend the presentations.

I felt like my presentation went very well.  Like most final projects, I was very nervous about presenting my work. That gives you the feeling that your heart is beating faster than it should. Once I began talking about my work, my nerves disappeared. I was able to answer the questions that my listeners asked me.  Many of the comments I received from my professors and friends were very positive.  My own mother came to listen my work too.  She had helped me put the poster board together and edited my slides.  I believe that I was able to present my work nicely and I enjoyed the fruit and brownies at the event.

This is a link to my porfolio:

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