
Friday, May 1, 2015


The most important job in production is the director.  The director is the ring leader of the whole operation.  It's their job to tell the camera people when to cue the anchors, when to push/pull cameras, and what kind of shot they need to set up.  They also tell the audio person when to cue each sound.  If each news section is heavy on time, the director needs to know what story to cut in order to make up for the lost time.

The director has to know how to do everything production job. They have to train workers how to run the cameras, audio, teleprompter, and graphics. Directors have been through a lot of training themselves in order to take on the responsibilities of their position. I got to watch how the directors were able to run the program. It was interesting to see how they ran the show. Everything had to be perfect on their part. If some goes wrong, they get the blame for it. Directors have the toughest jobs in the business.

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