
Friday, May 1, 2015

Audio Board

One of the toughest parts of working in production at WHAG is working the audio board.  The person working the audio makes sure that the broadcasts sounds right.  One of their jobs is to turn on the microphones for the anchors when it's their turn to speak.  If they accidentally turn them on when they are saying something offensive, the whole crew could get into some serious trouble for that.  Luckily, that didn't happen when I was working there. During the mic checks, they tell people if the mic is working or not.  The audio person also starts the packages and cues the music at the end of each segment.  Like the camera people, they have to listen to what the director is telling them to do through the headsets.  I wasn't able to work the board at all.  Sometimes it was hard to stay awake when I was watching the board. I mostly kept track of the show by looking at the run down sheet and answered questions that the audio person asked me regarding the audio board. I felt like I got a good understanding of how the board works, but I wish I could have been more hands on with that part of my internship.

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