
Friday, May 1, 2015


During my internship at WHAG, I was taught how to set up camera shots.  At the beginning, I was in the studio watching how everyone was setting up the necessary shots.  I had the trainer headset on so I could listen to the director giving everyone directions. I had to cue the anchors to let them know when to start speaking and how much time they have left before the break.  The Green Xs on the floor of the studio showed the camera people where to go for a specific shot.  The main shots I learned at the station was the opening shot of the anchors at the desk, Straight up shots, OTS, Three person, Weather Desk, Weather Wall, and Orange Wall.  Learning when to push and pull was important too.  For opening shots I pushed and pulled at the end of the segment.  Learning how to do camera is easier said than done. I made sure that I set up shots according to what I saw everyone was doing.   As long as the camera person listens to the director and moves to the right spot in the studio in time, they should be alright..

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