
Sunday, April 5, 2015


For April 13th 2015, The Comm Department will put on a presentation for all of the capstone projects in the Rams Den at Shepherd University.  My poster board project is coming along alright.  I already have the Powerpoint slides finished.  The slides are the story, biography of myself, list of cast/characters, influences, production, and why I chose the subject.  The one thing that I am having some trouble with is designing the cover page for the poster.  Capstone students are required to use Illustrator to design the poster.  I have never used that particular program before. In order to learn how to use the program,I plan to ask my instructor for a one on one session for how to use the program.  I already have the picture ready for use.  It will be of a picture of a woman standing in an alley pointing a gun.  I need to know how to make that picture part of a creative poster board idea.

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