
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Studio and Production

For my fifth semester at Shepherd University, I have signed up for a Studio and Production class for my major in Communications. I had transferred into that class at the end of last January. I was in a website class for the first few weeks of the semester, but I transferred into Studio Production at the request of my instructor and advisor. The material for the website class was being taught at a fast pace and I had not used Dreamweaver since the spring semester of 2013. So far in Studio Production, I only had one job, which was the on-air talent. I was filling on for one of my classmates who wasn't able to attend class that day. As one of the on-air talents, I had to speak up about whatever topics the host was presenting for that show. Unfortunately, the cameras in the studio were not working right that day and none of the footage we tried to shoot was recorded. The same problem occurred last Thursday and we couldn't shoot anything that day. I enjoyed working in front of the camera, but I wished they were working so I could get an idea of how I did. I didn't get another jobs so far this semester. I would try to assist the crew by helping to set up the studio and pulling the curtains to show the right color for the cameras. I mainly try to do whatever I can to be helpful to our cause. So far I like my Studio Production class, but I wish I can do more to help out.

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