Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Entertaining Ads
One of the main things that Advertising does is entertains society using clients products. What makes an ad campaign memorable is to make them look entertaining and creative to audiences. Art and Video showed examples of those kind of advertisements.
An example of an entertaining commercial was the Wells Rich Greene Ad of a man with glasses teaching some of the worlds worst people how to drive an automobile. The student drivers drove without paying attention to what they were doing while the drivin instructor was fearful about losing his own life in a possible accident. The accidents went from a woman making a left turn at the wrong place to a man asking to turn on the windshield wipers after crashing into a fire hydrant. Commercials like that often talk about car insurance, which is not a very interesting subject. When people have accidents, their insurance goes up. Someone that's had so many accidents gets a high deductable. In order to talk about insurance, advertisers have to make the topic interesting. Both of the incidents mentioned are funny and entertaining for the people watching the commercials. They make insurance commercials more interesting to watch and maybe gets their message out better. Commercials with the worlds worst drivers tells audiences not to be like those people. If they were showing commercials about the effects of wreckless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, or showed footage of people that died in car wrecks, these messages would also tell the viewers to not end up like these people too. The main message of all is to drive carefully and that companies want to tell people that in the most memorable ways possible.
Another commercial that was shown to be entertaining was the ones showing a new line of airplane flights. The sole purpose of flights are from point A to point B in a quicker way. About once per flight, the stewardess would come by with a can of soda and a ba of pretzels. During the time the commercials were, planes have just gotten out of war and flight travel was pretty dull. The airlines decided to make different color planes and the staff members and beautiful stewardesses would wear fashionable cloths. This kind of flight would give passengers a theatrical experience, which is very entertaining. A theatrical experience doesn't make the flight faster, but the passengers would feel that way when they fly on these colorful airlines. The more fun the passengers have on a flight, the quicker time will pass.
When advertisers entertain their audiences, the audiences will remember their product and may consider buying them in the future. If the presentation is not presented in a way that will audiences remember it, the product may be doomed to fail on the market. The message can be reached to the audience. The advertisers just have to find a way to make that possible.
Codes of Gender
In today's world, there are codes that define people as a man or a woman. They are judged by the way that they walk, talk, act, but mostly their appearance. If people send out the wrong signals, a boy or a girl can be harrassed by other people.
There was a scene in a showtime movie, The L Word, where a girl was cursed at by another girl for going into the ladies room. The other girl thought she was a boy and called her that and later on a freak. She was later harrassed by a group of people in town and was forced out of a car by one of the guys. People in the movie It's Pat don't know what to make of Pat. They don't know if she is a woman or a man. She acted awkward to other people and didn't act like either gender. The way to fit in normally is to read and give signals. Men would have to learn how to understand the masculine roles and women have to understand the feminine roles. If they can't do that, they should at least keep up the appearance of a man or woman. Appearance makes a huge difference and many people tend to judge the cover before they read the book. Learning how to send out and understand masculine/feminine signals is mainly how people get along with society
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Farewell To Arms

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